Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Windows 8/8.1 Keyboard Shortcuts

  Here are some Windows 8 Keyboard Shortcuts:
 Windows logo key = Windows Key 
Windows logo key and then Type Charm Menu – Search  PC
Windows logo key + Q Charm Menu - Search Installed Apps
Windows logo key + W Charm Menu - Search Settings
Windows logo key + E Open Computer (Windows Explorer)
Windows logo key + R Open Run Dialog Box
Windows logo key + T Cycle through icons on Taskbar (Enter will Launch App/Maximize)
Windows logo key + U Open Ease of Access Center
Windows logo key + I Charm Menu – Settings
Windows logo key + O Lock the Screen Orientation (Landscape or Portrait)
Windows logo key + P Secondary Display Modes
Windows logo key + D Show Desktop
Windows logo key + F Charm Menu – Search Files
Windows logo key + H Charm Menu – Share
Windows logo key + J Switch the Main app and Snapped app
Windows logo key + K Charm Menu – Devices
Windows logo key + L Lock Screen
Windows logo key + Z Show the available Command in Apps
Windows logo key + X Show Advanced Windows Settings Popup Menu
Windows logo key + C Open Charms Menu
Windows logo key + V Cycle through Notifications
Windows logo key + Shift + V Cycle Through Notifications (reverse order)
Windows logo key + M Minimize All Windows
Windows logo key + Shift + M Restore All Minimized Windows
Windows logo key + Tab Cycle through open Modern/Metro UI Apps
Windows logo key + Shift + Tab Cycle through open Modern/Metro UI Apps in reverse order
Windows logo key + Ctrl + Tab Cycle through open Modern/Metro UI Apps and snaps them as they are cycled
Windows logo key + . (dot) Snaps Current Apps to the right (Split Screen/Multitasking)
Windows logo key + Shift + . (dot) Snaps Current Apps to the left (Split Screen/Multitasking)
Windows logo key + , (comma) Temporary view Desktop (until Windows logo key key release)
Windows logo key + Page Down Moves Start Screen and apps to secondary monitor on the right
Windows logo key + Page Up Moves Start Screen and apps to secondary monitor on the Left
Windows logo key + Up Arrow Maximize Current Window
Windows logo key + Down Arrow Restore Down Current Maximized Window and Minimize Restore Downed Window.
Windows logo key + Left Arrow Maximize the current window to the left half of the screen
Windows logo key + Right Arrow Maximize the current window to the right half of the screen
Windows logo key + Print Screen Takes Screen shoot and saves it Pictures Folder.
Windows logo key + Pause Break Display System Properties Window
Windows logo key + F1 Open Windows Help and Support
Windows logo key + 0 to 9 Launch/Show taskbar pinned app (according to number)
Windows logo key + Shift + 0 to 9 Launch (New instance) taskbar pinned app (according to number)
Windows logo key + Spacebar Switch to Next Input Language and Keyboard Layouts
Windows logo key + Shift + Spacebar Switch to Previous Input Language and Keyboard Layouts
Windows logo key + Ctrl + Spacebar Switch to Previous Input Language and Keyboard Layouts
Windows logo key + Enter Open Narrator
Windows logo key + + (plus) Zoom In using Magnifier
Windows logo key + – (minus) Zoom Out using Magnifier
Windows logo key + Esc Exit Magnifier (if opened)
Del Delete selected files/folder to Recycle Bin
Shift + Del Delete files/folder Permanently
Alt + F4 Quit the current Modern/Metro App
Alt + Up Arrow Upper Level (Windows Explorer)
Alt + Right Arrow Forward (Windows Explorer)
Alt + Left Arrow Back (Windows Explorer)
Alt + Print Screen Capture the Screen of Current/Selected windows
Ctrl + Shift + Esc Open Task Manager
Ctrl + + (plus) Start Screen Zoom In Pinned Apps list
Ctrl + – (minus) Start Screen Zoom Out Pinned Apps list
Ctrl + Scroll Mouse wheel Start Screen Zoom In/Out Pinned Apps List
Esc Stop/Exit the current task

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