Showing posts with label Windows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Windows. Show all posts

Friday, October 7, 2016

Windows 10 Spotlight

Windows 10 Spotlight is an options for Windows Lock screen where windows provide different background and sometimes suggestive information. This images are really amazing and they will change automatically every day. If an image that you do not like to see as your lock screen then you can easily change the image with just 2 clicks. However, I will show you a little about Windows 10 spotlight.
Windows spotlight

How to enable Windows 10 Spotlight:
1. Click on “Start” menu or Press “Windows Key” from Keyboard
2. Click on “Settings”
3. Click on “Personalization”
4. Click on “Lock screen” from the left
5. Under the Background choose “Windows spotlight”
That’s it. Close the settings window. To see the lock screen press “Windows Key + L”.

How to change Spotlight Lock screen that you do not like:
To change that you do not like to show as your spotlight lock screen then go to your lock screen by pressing “Windows Key + L” then from the top-right corner you will see an option “Like what you see?”. Hover over that option. There are two options:

“I want more!”: If you like the current spotlight lock screen then click on that and windows will collect the decision for future background type.
“Not a fan.”: If you do not like the current spotlight lock screen then click on this option and windows will immediately switch to a new background screen.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

How to solve "High disk usage in Windows 10" or "Slow performance in Windows 10"

So many users of Windows 10 complained or experience very poor performance in Windows 10. If you open "Task Manager" then you will notice that in Performance Tab, Disk is using 100% most of the time. As a result, you had to wait a long for opening or doing your any stuff in you Windows 10.
So, here is the quick resolution to resolve this issue. Just Try it and I hope it will work like a charm.

Follow the steps:

1. Click on "Windows Start Menu" or Press Windows Key from keyboard.
2. Click on "Settings"
3. Click on "System"
4. From the Left side: Click on "Notifications and actions"
5. Turn off "Get tips, tricks, and suggestions as you use Windows"

That's it. You may restart you PC once if you want.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Set DNS with just double click with Batch file

Sometimes we need to change our DNS address manually to gear up browsing speed. To do so with just a double click I have created a batch file. You have to just double click and type you preferred and alternate DNS server addresses. It will update the DNS to all connected network, so you need to connect to network first (It will not update DNS to disconnected interface).
Copy the below text and paste it to Notepad and Save as with *.bat extension e.g. SetDNS.bat or Download the file that I already have created: SetDNS.bat

@ECHO off
:: BatchGotAdmin
REM Check for permissions
>NUL 2>&1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system"

REM If error is flag set, It doesn't have Admin privileges.
IF '%errorlevel%' NEQ '0' (
    ECHO Requesting administrative privileges...
    GOTO UACPrompt
) ELSE ( GOTO gotAdmin )

    ECHO Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
    SET params = %*:"=""
    ECHO UAC.ShellExecute "cmd.exe", "/c %~s0 %params%", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"

    DEL "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
    EXIT /B

    PUSHD "%CD%"
    CD /D "%~dp0"

ECHO -----------------------------------SetDNS-----------------------------------
ECHO Please Input DNS Server Address in correct format and hit Enter.
ECHO If you get "Element not found." message, it seems you did not put in correct format. And you need to try again.
ECHO Leave blank and hit enter to use default DNS servers.
ECHO -------------------------- Correct Format: X.X.X.X -------------------------
SET /P _dns1=Please input Primary DNS Server (default: || Set _dns1=
SET /P _dns2=Please input Alternate DNS Server (default: || Set _dns2=

REM Gathering all installed network adapters from the list.
FOR /F "skip=2 tokens=4*" %%a IN ('NetSh Interface IPv4 Show Interfaces') DO (
    CALL :UseNetworkAdapter %%a "%%b"


REM %1 = State, %2 = "Adapter Name" (quoted) and %~2 = Adapter Name (unquoted)

SET _interfacename=%~2
SET _shortintfn=%_interfacename:~0,4%
REM Applying settings except Loopback Pseudo-Interface
IF NOT %_shortintfn%==Loop    (   
    IF %1==connected (
        ECHO Setting up Primary DNS server of %2 to %_dns1%
        netsh interface ip set dns name=%2 static %_dns1%
        ECHO Setting up Alternate DNS servers of %2 to %_dns2%
        netsh interface ip add dns name=%2 %_dns2% index=2
        ECHO DNS Servers update successfully...

ECHO ----------------------------Windows DNS Flush-------------------------------
ipconfig /flushdns
ECHO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ECHO Please re-connect your network if you still face any problem.
PAUSE ECHO Press Any Key to exit...