Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Windows 8/8.1 Keyboard Shortcuts

  Here are some Windows 8 Keyboard Shortcuts:
 Windows logo key = Windows Key 
Windows logo key and then Type Charm Menu – Search  PC
Windows logo key + Q Charm Menu - Search Installed Apps
Windows logo key + W Charm Menu - Search Settings
Windows logo key + E Open Computer (Windows Explorer)
Windows logo key + R Open Run Dialog Box
Windows logo key + T Cycle through icons on Taskbar (Enter will Launch App/Maximize)
Windows logo key + U Open Ease of Access Center
Windows logo key + I Charm Menu – Settings
Windows logo key + O Lock the Screen Orientation (Landscape or Portrait)
Windows logo key + P Secondary Display Modes
Windows logo key + D Show Desktop
Windows logo key + F Charm Menu – Search Files
Windows logo key + H Charm Menu – Share
Windows logo key + J Switch the Main app and Snapped app
Windows logo key + K Charm Menu – Devices
Windows logo key + L Lock Screen
Windows logo key + Z Show the available Command in Apps
Windows logo key + X Show Advanced Windows Settings Popup Menu
Windows logo key + C Open Charms Menu
Windows logo key + V Cycle through Notifications
Windows logo key + Shift + V Cycle Through Notifications (reverse order)
Windows logo key + M Minimize All Windows
Windows logo key + Shift + M Restore All Minimized Windows
Windows logo key + Tab Cycle through open Modern/Metro UI Apps
Windows logo key + Shift + Tab Cycle through open Modern/Metro UI Apps in reverse order
Windows logo key + Ctrl + Tab Cycle through open Modern/Metro UI Apps and snaps them as they are cycled
Windows logo key + . (dot) Snaps Current Apps to the right (Split Screen/Multitasking)
Windows logo key + Shift + . (dot) Snaps Current Apps to the left (Split Screen/Multitasking)
Windows logo key + , (comma) Temporary view Desktop (until Windows logo key key release)
Windows logo key + Page Down Moves Start Screen and apps to secondary monitor on the right
Windows logo key + Page Up Moves Start Screen and apps to secondary monitor on the Left
Windows logo key + Up Arrow Maximize Current Window
Windows logo key + Down Arrow Restore Down Current Maximized Window and Minimize Restore Downed Window.
Windows logo key + Left Arrow Maximize the current window to the left half of the screen
Windows logo key + Right Arrow Maximize the current window to the right half of the screen
Windows logo key + Print Screen Takes Screen shoot and saves it Pictures Folder.
Windows logo key + Pause Break Display System Properties Window
Windows logo key + F1 Open Windows Help and Support
Windows logo key + 0 to 9 Launch/Show taskbar pinned app (according to number)
Windows logo key + Shift + 0 to 9 Launch (New instance) taskbar pinned app (according to number)
Windows logo key + Spacebar Switch to Next Input Language and Keyboard Layouts
Windows logo key + Shift + Spacebar Switch to Previous Input Language and Keyboard Layouts
Windows logo key + Ctrl + Spacebar Switch to Previous Input Language and Keyboard Layouts
Windows logo key + Enter Open Narrator
Windows logo key + + (plus) Zoom In using Magnifier
Windows logo key + – (minus) Zoom Out using Magnifier
Windows logo key + Esc Exit Magnifier (if opened)
Del Delete selected files/folder to Recycle Bin
Shift + Del Delete files/folder Permanently
Alt + F4 Quit the current Modern/Metro App
Alt + Up Arrow Upper Level (Windows Explorer)
Alt + Right Arrow Forward (Windows Explorer)
Alt + Left Arrow Back (Windows Explorer)
Alt + Print Screen Capture the Screen of Current/Selected windows
Ctrl + Shift + Esc Open Task Manager
Ctrl + + (plus) Start Screen Zoom In Pinned Apps list
Ctrl + – (minus) Start Screen Zoom Out Pinned Apps list
Ctrl + Scroll Mouse wheel Start Screen Zoom In/Out Pinned Apps List
Esc Stop/Exit the current task

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Browse website from PC as Mobile Browser!

Do you want your Desktop Browser acts like mobile browser e.g. Blackberry Browser, Nokia Mobile Browser (websites detect your browser as from mobile device). Suppose you have a Nokia mobile and you want to download apps from Nokia Store via PC and transfer it to your device. To do that you need the followings:

1. Mozilla Firefox
2. User Agent Switcher (add-ons)
3. Your device User Agent. You can find it from "" easily, just browse from your mobile device and it will show your User Agent e.g. Blackberry Curve 8520 User Agent is like below:

BlackBerry8520/ Profile/MIDP-2.1 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/600

1. Now install the User Agent Switcher add-ons in your firefox.
2. Click on the User Agent Switcher button and then click on "Edit User Agents..."
3. User Agent Switcher Options will be appear. Click on "New" and then "New User Agent...".
4. Then put your User Agent and Give a Name in Description and click "OK".
5. Your are done. Now click on the User Agent Switcher icon and select your newly added User Agent.
The world will identify your browser as a Mobile Browser (here, Blackberry Browser)